Waterford Tech Meetup
Waterford Tech MeetupBuilding a serverless supercomputer to do three months of work in under an hour
Event Details
The Waterford Tech Meetup is a chance to connect with (and learn from) like-minded people to discuss wide ranging topics of a technical nature. We meet
Event Details
The Waterford Tech Meetup is a chance to connect with (and learn from) like-minded people to discuss wide ranging topics of a technical nature. We meet on the last Wednesday of every month with the aim to have 1 or 2 talks, with ample time for socialising.
Serverless is becoming famous for building Web APIs and event-driven applications, but what about massive-scale batch processing in financial services? I was lucky enough to be a part of a project that built a distributed supercomputer to take three months of computation time and parallelise it to the max! We used standard, serverless AWS components to make it as easy as possible for developers.
It wasn’t all plain sailing, it must be said! Even with the scale of AWS, you start to push the limits when you do something this wild. This talk will cover all the gains and the pains of going all-in on cloud!
Eoin Shanaghy, CTO fourTheorem
All Day (Tuesday)(GMT+01:00)
Boxworks, 40 Patrick Street, Waterford, WD