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Migrate to the cloud with confidence.


Get In Touch

As an AWS MAP Partner, fourTheorem can access migration support on your behalf.

The AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP), is a proven cloud migration program designed to accelerate your organisation’s migration and modernisation journey through an outcome-driven methodology.

Why choose AWS MAP?

Migrating to AWS unlocks efficiencies and operational benefits – but enterprise migrations can be complex and time-consuming.
MAP provides tools that reduce costs and automate and accelerate execution, as well as tailored training approaches, content and AWS investment.
As a MAP Partner, we follow a three-step approach to migration that uses proven frameworks to reduce the risk and cost associated.

Migration methodology

Assess readiness

Develop the business case for migration.

  • Conduct a Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA)
  • Identify desired business objectives & deliverables
  • Align key stakeholders
  • Complete cost projection for running applications in AWS

Mobilise resources

Build an operational foundation for your migration.

  • Create a detailed migration plan – address gaps identified by the MRA
  • Create proof of concept (POC) implementations
  • Build AWS Landing Zone architecture
  • Complete Well-Architected Review for all workloads
  • Run applications in production capacity
  • Develop cloud capabilities and skills
  • Automate migration with AWS built-in tools, fourTheorem’s Enterprise Cloud Accelerator and Fission

Mobilise & modernise workloads

Execute the migration plan developed during the mobilise phase.

  • Design, migrate, and validate planned workloads to AWS
  • Re-host, re-platform, and re-architect as necessary
  • Use the patterns, processes, tools, resources, and methodology identified and tested during the Mobilise phase


  • Cut carbon emissions – Self-owned and operated IT infrastructure and data centres are major sources of energy use. Moving workloads to the cloud can reduce associated carbon emissions by nearly 80%.
  • Reduce costs – Achieve cost savings by migrating your infrastructure and legacy applications to the cloud. On average, customers who make this transition save 31% on their infrastructure expenses.
  • Accelerate adoption – We are uniquely positioned to help companies make the most of the agility, breadth of services, and pace of innovation that AWS provides.
  • Mitigate risk – The biggest inhibitor to cloud adoption is a lack of skills. We can leverage AWS cloud best practices to reduce the complexity & costs of your migration and improve the chance of success.

Have a Question

Get in touch with a member of our team below.