The CEO of fourTheorem (Peter Elger) and David Gonzalas of NearForm both presented at the Dublin Microservices meetup held in September 2017. Using their knowledge of deep learning they gave a talk on areas of microservices /Kubernetes, they also outlined the importance of AWS and some of its benefits to 21st Century computing.
The Architectural Monolith’s days are numbered. As companies are becoming more and more agile, and see how they can now adapt in order to innovate and compete faster than their competition, software development teams are being forced to maintain and evolve large, monolithic applications at a pace of change that those architectures were never meant to withstand, let alone embrace!
Microservices are a new approach to architecting applications. They are simple, single-purpose, lightweight architectural components that enable you to deliver software faster. The microservice architectural approach also aims to lead to software that thrives on change while at the same time being secure, performant, and stable.

Peter Elger: From Zero to Kubernetes – minimizing the delta between development and production
In this talk, Peter examined an example micro service system and ran it locally in development mode. Using live code examples we then build and deploy the system into a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. Peter examined how to build and configure a microservice system that is optimised for development but can be deployed to production with minimum friction.

Davis Gonzales: Microservices on Kubernetes
“Nowadays companies have started embracing the microservices architectures without fully being aware of its problems. One of the big problems is the operational overhead that implies deploying individual software components. David showed how to minimise the time spent on maintenance using a managed solution for Kubernetes: The Google Container Engine (GKE)”
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