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Harness the Power of Open Source to Drive Innovation

Open Source is at the heart of modern software development, fueling groundbreaking advancements from Linux to Docker, Node.js, and beyond.

As passionate contributors and advocates of the Open Source community, we believe that collaboration and knowledge sharing are key to accelerating progress and enhancing the quality of the solutions we deliver.

Our Open Source Projects

Building and maintaining production-ready serverless systems can be complex. That’s why we’ve developed…


The stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda simplifies your function code by reducing redundancy and eliminating extensive boilerplate. This allows you to focus on your core business logic, making development faster and more efficient.

SLIC Watch

SLIC Watch automates the creation of CloudWatch alarms and dashboards for your SAM, CloudFormation, CDK and Serverless Framework applications; empowering users to quickly detect and troubleshoot operational issues.

Blog & News

The future is always changing we'll keep you there

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Lets Work Together

We can help make your next project a success